Monday, June 21, 2010

taking a bite out of crime

almost forty years ago, sonnet ehlers, a then 20-year old medical researcher, met a devastated rape victim who looked at her and said "if only I had teeth down there." ehlers promised that one day she would do something to help victims like her...and today she has made good on that promise: rape-aXe.

according to, this female latex condom, which is inserted like a tampon and has jagged rows of teeth-like hooks inside to attach on to a man's penis during penetration, can only be removed by a doctor once it lodges on. ideally authorities will be on hand to make an arrest at that time. ehlers, who sold her house and car to launch the project, plans on distributing 30,000 free devices during the world cup in south africa. taking drastic measures to prevent rape is nothing new to women of south africa, which has one of the highest rape rates in the world. some women have gone so far as to insert razor blades wrapped in sponges in their private parts.

a man who finds himself on the receiving end of a rape-aXe (which was designed with the consultation of engineers, gynecologists and psychologists to make sure it was safe) will find himself in, what one can only assume will be, at the least, discomfort. according to ehlers: "it hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it's on...if he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter... however, it doesn't break the skin and there's no danger of fluid exposure."

ehler, a mother of two daughters, said blind dates and traveling in areas a women may not feel comfortable, are examples of times to wear the rape-aXe. she visited prisons to speak with convicted rapists who, according to her, said a device like rape-aXe may have made them rethink their actions. after the trial period at the world cup, rape-aXe will be available for about $2 a piece.

not everyone is sold on this product. some critics say it's not a "a long-term solution and makes women vulnerable to more violence from men trapped by the device." victoria kajja, from the centers for disease control and prevention in uganda, said it is a form of "enslavement" that reminds women of their vulnerability. "the fears surrounding the victim, the act of wearing the condom in anticipation of being assaulted all represent enslavement that no woman should be subjected to." she does say however that "it allows justice to be served."

my point, and i do have, i don't think this device reminds a woman of their vulnerability anymore than when she puts mace in her pocketbook. sure, in an ideal world, people wouldn't need to worry about being sexually assaulted, however, we live in the real world, so if this is what some women need to feel safe and secure, more power to them. i wonder how long it will be before we see this item on law & order svu? what's your point?


  1. I think this could be a good idea, however I worry if it becomes commonplace that rapists will just check for it and remove it.

  2. I'm not sure what to think about this. The 1st thing that came to mind while reading about it was that the rapist is going to get so angry & probably beat the woman to death. I know...morbid.

    I can see how it can be very useful, especially in South Africa.

  3. i think anything that helps women prevent rape or catch those who commit the act is a good thing. this new product is quite clever and interesting, but i also share concerns. having your rapist attached to you could lead to more problems like dawn mentions. i think this device should just cut the penis off - that way the woman can get away and the rapist can't follow or try anything like that again...

  4. i too agree that this kind of product could agitate the rapist, but (and i'm not a guy but...) when you get kicked in the balls, it seems like you have a visceral reaction that, at least for a moment, makes you stop in your tracks. i can only assume that having your little man chomped down on but an unsuspecting vagina could have a similar the woman a chance to get away.

  5. oh and i don't think that the rapist is attached to you...i think once it grabs on, it probably slips out with the man.



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